Monday, July 5, 2010

OOOOO Girl What Happened To Your Hair....

 Transition Time BABY!!! 

I am growing out the hair relaxer...this is nothing knew in my life or the lives of many of the people you know. If you asked the typical college educated, urban, African American how many people they know who are transitioning, natural or talking about it...I bet you most could name one person if not more. I am privileged to live in a time when there are so many  great women who for many different reasons have chosen to leave the relaxer in the store. That is in NO way meant to be slam at women who are relaxed, but this journey towards natural hair is plagued with ignorance, misguided judgements and lack of support in the greater African American community. Below are MY top four reasons for going NATURAL:

1. Health- I am trying to be more mindful of my health in every way. My hair was never something I ever considered to be apart of a healthy living regimen and then I started reading what relaxer does not only to your hair, but in some of my readings your body. You have to imagine  that if you have open pores on your scalp some relaxer is bound to make its' way in and who wants to fry their scull....NOT ME!

2. Growth- I know in my life I can grow the head of hair I have always wanted and I tried to do that for 20 years with a I am going to give God a try LOL ;-). 

3.  Versatility- African Americans have some of the most versatile hair on the planet and I want to test it out....

4. Cause I Can- I am young, I am free and I can bend and stretch my person in anyway I see fit!

So that's it in a very small nutshell. Below you can check out a little video I did for my YouTube page....which explains my hair journey in picture form for those who hate reading ;-)......

P.S.- I did LOTS of research before deciding this was the best road for ME. I will be sure to share successes, great links and products but that is NOT the primary purpose of this blog. 

"Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock, is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives."
William Throsby Bridges


  1. I love me some Candice... and so happy to see a blog by you. Can't wait to read more. LOVE THE VIDEO! You are so creative... and I'm glad we get to see the products of your creativity.


  2. Love it! I too have left the relaxer behind! I enjoyed your blog entry!
