Thursday, July 15, 2010

VLOG: Bad Hair Week


  1. You crack me up!!! xoxo (T.Wigg)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Candice - I love you, girl. If it wasn't for you taking the time to explain things, I'd have no idea. Videos like this remind me how much I miss you and everyone at The SPOT :-)

  4. This was hilarious...I'll be back to curly/wavy/the part in the middle that you rubbed out when you were a baby that's just a puffy mess tomorrow...As long as the outside part looks good:)

  5. wow. hope tomorrow is a better hair day!


  6. Thank for the shout out!!!!

    You'll be fine. I have rough weeks ALL the time. ESPECIALLY when it's crazy humid.

    Make sure you tell us how next week goes. :-)

  7. JaVonn Campbell-BarberJuly 18, 2010 at 1:25 AM

    Candice, this vlog really hit home for me! I have been natural for 8 years now (don't know if you remember when I started), and I still have bad hair MONTHS! I have these locks that are beautiful and long and hang down my back, but my problem is that I have no clue how to style these things! I have other isses but that is personally my main one. I appreciate the challenges that you share with us and I hope you keep them coming.

  8. You are hilarious! I can relate to everything you said! Keep it up!
