Friday, July 16, 2010

The Wino, The Tea Party and The NAACP

I grew up in what I guess you can call "the hood". It didn't feel that way when I was there, but looking back I guess I can see the signs. Growing up in any community you begin to recognize trends at a fairly young age and at the same time most of those are easily swept aside because they become normal, even though to the outside world they would be anything but normal. For me it was arguments between winos/and or crackheads. If you have never had the pleasure to witness one of these ring side events do yourself a favor and find one. You won't be in any real harm and that is one of the best parts. Winos/crackheads are much too weak or drugged for physical altercation so basically they just yell. They yell things that make little to no sense for the most part things that perhaps only other winos/crackheads can understand. My favorite is when they yell things that are actually true for both parties. "MAN YOU AIN'T NOTHING BUT AN EVERYDAY DRUNK", as a spectator you want to yell out "um...yeah you both are", but you keep your cool hoping to get another laugh out the of the unfortunate humor that is human frailty.

This all came back to me in a flash from my childhood while watching the coverage of the "debate" between The Tea Party and the NAACP. If you haven't heard both groups are accusing the other of being racist. Go ahead laugh, I know you want to. The tragic part of this "debate" is that neither side no matter how right is equipped to prove its' point. Let's look at them as separate pieces.

The Tea Party
How can a group defend its' self from accusations when they have no clear plan of action in general and no leadership. I mean's like whoever is available from where ever and thinks they are members of The Tea Party can just hop on TV, be interviewed by your local print newspaper or air their grievances on any given NPR station. There is no direction. Everyone thinks The Tea Party is what they want it to be and depending on who your leader is on that day of the week you are either the New Powermovement KKK or citizens fighting for more freedom from government. Who knows which is the truth, but who is signing up for something that they don't truly understand. Until The Tea Party is an organized front with leadership and a TRUE can keep the finger pointing turned towards yourself.

Where does one even start? Let me start at the most unoffensive portion. I respect what the NAACP was. I understand the role they have played in our society. I understand the concept of what they could be even now and I too respect that. However, what the NAACP is not, in my opinion, is the voice of todays Colored Person. The NAACP has wasted years upon years fighting battles that don't matter and ignoring ones that clearly do. Take for instance the dog and pony show put on when they decided to bury the word "Nigger". Notice how I just used it, so clearly it has risen. Beyond that, where did they  come to do this act? Detroit. A city with one of the highest rates of unemployment, crime, illiteracy, HIV/AIDS and generational poverty within the Colored Person community and they came to that city and held a funeral... for a word.
Needless to say I was less than impressed with their commitment to "us". While we are on the subject of "us" I heard DL Hugley say something pretty funny and also true. Can an organization speak for an entire group of people when the spectrum goes from President Barack Obama to Flavor Flave? The bottom line is that this isn't our grandparents society. The needs, issues and necessary reaction time have changed dramatically and if indeed there needs to be an organization that speaks for "us" I want one who has looked beyond its' history and is defining a clear cut path to the future that elevates that group of people they represent and all of those that come in contact with them.

The Wino/Crackhead Burden 
Just like those neighborhood arguments of yesteryear that made no sense and couldn't be backed up with any real proof both organizations have done a terrible job of providing evidence for there claims. I have seen evidence on my own that supports the NAACP but they can go a step further than I can by presenting the findings to the national public who will then see "the proof is in the Wild Irish Rose bottle". I noticed they have a section on their website with some helpful information on the The Tea Party and connections to racism. Well we all know those that need this information aren't logging on there. It is the NAACP's job to get it in the hands of those who need it. Again I ask has ANYONE heard of Twitter?

To both parties I say: lay of the bottle.

Peace and Love Candegirl

Musical Inspiration
Artist: Curtis Mayfield
Song: Move On Up


  1. JaVonn Campbell-BarberJuly 18, 2010 at 1:07 AM

    Awesome blog!

  2. Best line ever: "You ain't nothing but a everyday drunk" as opposed to a bicentennial commemorative drunk.

    Hilariously poignant
